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Come Closer Boutique

the full story


We love deeply. We invest our time, emotion, and intention in those we treasure. So when we seek a gift for them, whether for a special occasion or simply because love doesn’t care a fig about calendars, we want it to be as unique as that bond.


Come Closer Boutique was formed to honor that desire and to simplify the process of finding a meaningful, curated gift. We believe that gifting well is an artform. You don’t just give a gift - you present it.


We cut through the clutter and guesswork of hunting down the perfect gift by partnering with artists and craftsman worldwide who infuse their work with their creativity, love and passion for the craft. In this way, our products honor both the maker and the recipient. It’s a difference that is seen and felt. These are gifts to be treasured and handed down through the generations, infused with nostalgia and love and gaining emotional value with the passage of time.


Just as we wish to honor the lives of our artisans, we also wish to stand with communities and organizations that need our support. Toward that goal, we invest 5% of proceeds toward supporting humanitarian, environmental, and animal rights causes locally and around the world. For more on this initiative, see our Love Worldly initiative. 


Thank you for supporting our artist community and shopping with us. We are here to delight.


Love deeply. Gift well.

Andrea & John

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